
Definition of Trambólico o tramboliko

Compilation of "trambolicos" topics.

Drunkard of the flying tree or "Borracho de la arbolada volador" original video

Transcription in Spanish: Estábamos tomando tranquilamente ahí in the jurisdiction of the pump and I said just let's go to go home y ya e ya va y a descansar que mañana es día laboral y puta este personaje me dijo vamos a irnos, pero vamos a irnos como yo quiero me dijo y comenzó a acelerar y vino a toda velocidad y esta, esta, esta pendiente es un poco trambólico hay que saber subir y bajar y quiso pasar un sesenta entre ochenta kilómetros por hora y voló y me hizo volar y yo volé de el, pero volé de el pero acá por la arbolada y el voló y se pegó acá por la pared y se reventó toito y su moto se fue a la puta y yo gracias a dios estoy bien y el está ahí no se como, pero quiero que se mejore.

Transcription in English: We where drinking there quietly and already e already going to rest that tomorrow is a working day and bitch this character told me we are going to leave, but we will go as I want told me and began to accelerate and came at full speed and this, this, is pending is a bit trambolico has to know how to get up and down and wanted to spend sixty between eighty kilometers per hour and flew and made me fly and I flew from it, but I flew from here but here by the trees and he flew and stuck here by the wall and Toito broke up and his motorcycle went to the whore and I thank God I'm fine and he's there I do not know how, but I want him to improve.

Trambolico remix

"Borracho de la arbolada volador" in TV

"Arbolada" Rock

What is the meaning of the word "trambolico"?

The word "trambolico" as such does not exist in the dictionary of the Real Academia Española, neither does the word "Estrambótico" exist from which it seems to be the origin and is commonly used in Spanish, its meaning according to Google is: "Which is strange or unusual, and made on a whim." and according to Wordreference: "Extravagant, strange".

Estrambotismo: according to Wikipedia: artistic flow of painting that was born in Catalonia in 1974 by Joan Fuster and Gimpera, which consists in painting and drawing strange, strange and unusual things.

Sources: Wikipedia, Wordreference

Other trambolica words: Burlao, Modaba, Caloret, Monguer, Tróspido, Veleno, Droja, Amochar, Rajoy, Muchachada, hijueputa, hijoeputa, güeputa o higüeputa, miaja de apechusque, trofollo, cobete, jibiri, cuñadismo, gilipollitas, Moderdonia

Other trambolico´s topics: Versions of the Mojinos Escozios

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